Boat Portraits



Sue Bee

Windy Dancer

First to Raft

Pirates Cove


Classic Rita


Final Approach



This beautiful live-aboard ’61 Tolly traveled from Seattle to Alaska every year. Sold.

Tucked into a secluded cove, two rafted overnight at Desolation Sound, B.C. 18 x 24.

Sue Bee
37″ Tolly anchored at Desolation Sound, BC. Sold.

Windy Dancer
I met the owner of this beautiful sailboat on the dock at Fair Harbor, WA. Windy Dancer is shown anchored at Glacier Bay, B.C. 16 x 20. Sold.

First to Raft
Our yacht club often rafts in the form of a wagon wheel of 20 to 35 boats. The beginning of this raft was across from Seattle, just inside Blakely Rock. 16 x 20. Sold.

Pirates Cove
Pirates Cove in the Canadian Gulf Islands is one of our favorite places to stop over on the way North. To enter, markers need to be lined up to enter the narrow channel.18 x 24.

Our 33′ Bayliner heading home to our marina. 16 x 20. Unavailable.

Classic Rita
Beautiful classic wooden boat in serene anchorage. 16 x 20.

36′ Monk cruising slowly through the fog. 18″ x 24″. Sold.

Final Approach
An overnight at Chatterbox Falls is a unique experience. The view never changes since the current from the falls keeps the bow pointed directly at the beautiful scenery. 18 x 24. Sold.

Majestic 120′ Westport cruising Desolation Sound, B.C. 24 x 34.